This is an INVITATION ONLY workshop.
The H2020 SUNSHINE project SIA (Safe Innovation Approach) E-infrastructure aims to foster dialogue, collaboration and information exchange between various stakeholders and provide the tools and data needed to develop Safe and Sustainable-by-Design strategies for materials, products and processes involving multicomponent nanomaterials (MCNMs).
To facilitate the e-infrastructure development, this first SUNSHINE stakeholder workshop has the goal to present an early prototype of the SIA E-infrastructure and to align its functionalities with the needs of different stakeholders spanning from regulators to civil society and SME/ Industry to ensure both its long-term sustainability and its applicability for Safe and Sustainable-by-Design approach.
To achieve this, we need your support!
During the workshop, we would like to present our approach and collect your opinion on the draft design of the SIA e-infrastructure.
In this workshop you will learn and discuss:
The background and purpose of the SUNSHINE SIA E-infrastructure
How the SUNSHINE approach can help to address stakeholder needs
We will explore how to ensure the long-term sustainability of the SUNSHINE SIA E-infrastructure
Who should attend?
Regulatory compliance officers for chemical manufacturers and importers
Formulators and product manufacturers of nano-enabled products
Industry and academia representatives in nanotechnology and advanced materials
National and regional regulators
Policymakers, NGOs, standardisation bodies
Draft Agenda
Moderator: Danail Hristozov, EMERGE
14.00 – 14.30 The SIA e-infrastructure - what is it, what should it be?
Presentation: Alex Zabeo (GreenDecision Srl) and Danail Hristozov (EMERGE)
14.30 – 15.30 Interactive session
Q&A session and open discussion: Alex Zabeo (GreenDecision Srl) and Devendra Joshi (TEMASOL)
For more information, please check out the SUNSHINE Brochure, our video and website!
(in alphabetical order)
Alex Zabeo
Alex Zabeo, Senior Researcher, PhD in Informatics. His research activities focus on Decision analysis, Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). He has proven expertise in project and development of standard and Geographical Decision Support Systems (DSS) and in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) - Fuzzy Logic (FL) - Value of Information (VoI) – Artificial Intelligence (AI) based assessment methodologies as well as in design and realization of studies and software related to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and management of complex sensors’ networks and Internet of Things (IoT).
He's been guiding the Decision Support area of several European and National projects. He's shareholder and CTO of GreenDecision Srl.
Danail Hristozov
Dr. Danail Hristozov is the Head of Research at Greendecision Srl, a spin-off company of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice in Italy and the East European Research and Innovation Enterprise (EMERGE) in Bulgaria. There he performs integrative research across the areas of risk assessment and management of bio and nanomaterials used in consumer products and medicine as part of the large-scale EU H2020 projects GRACIOUS, BIORIMA, REFINE, caLIBRAte, Gov4Nano, NanoInformaTIX and SAFE-N-MEDTECH.
Danail is also the Coordinator of the large H2020 research project SUNSHINE, which focuses on Safe and Sustainable by Design of multi-component advanced nanomaterials.
Danail has been a senior research scientist at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics of the University of Venice, where he acted as the Principal Investigator of the large EU FP7 project SUN. Over the last years, Danail contributed to several EU projects, including MARINA, NANOforART, ENPRA, ITS-NANO, GLOCOM, ECONANOSOPRB and EPSEI, also as a research staff of the private sector companies Venice Research Consortium and Veneto Nanotech.
In his early years as a researcher, Danail was employed at the Chair of Industrial Sustainability of the Brandenburg University of Technology in Germany.
Devendra Joshi
TEMAS Solutions, Co-founder
Devendra Joshi, (IT, Finance and Legal) has a background in Business and IT. Experience in Quality Assurance, Control and international coordination and implementation of IT platforms. He has an ISTQB Foundation Level certificate. He brings experience in assessing, designing, and integrating ISAE 3402 norms and standards in the business processes of the largest real estate management firm in Switzerland and has worked on a variety of business and engineering projects at an award-winning contract research organisation.